A little insight to who I am

My photo
Montana girl with a dream and love for this life. Currently in Italy, trying to sort out what I want in life and finding out what God has for me in life. Learning to be willing and open to anything He may desire.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Beautiful Fall Day

The view from a small peak in the Jewel Basin area.

It has indeed proven to be a lovely autumn. We have had amazing weather for the most part. . . even if the mornings are a bit chilly. This last weekend I was able to get out of dodge so to speak and go up to Kalispell to relax and just enjoy life a little bit. I drove up Friday afternoon and got my hair cut just for fun :) Then I spent the evening with Rem and Jessica and her little ones. It was lovely! We went out to the movie, Fireproof, which was very good. The story was amazing and the message so powerful and heartwrenching. I want a love like they had at the end although I don't want to get that close to divorce ever! Sadly, it is all too common these days. The movie has created quite a buzz and I think my favorite commentary I've read about it can be found at pluggedinonline.com . . . I love so much what the commentator said that I'll paste it on here for you all
"The first time I saw this film I was alone in a cramped and cold projection booth, scribbling notes as fast as my fingers would fly. The second time, though, I was with my bride of 14 years, and I was in no mood to write a movie review. All I wanted to do was hold her hand. And when the last scene faded from the screen, I could do nothing less than turn to her and whisper, "If you ever wanted to leave me, I would try to make it so hard for you! I would do everything he just did and so much more to keep you by my side." She breathed in response, "I would never leave you." I spent the rest of the day thanking God that I was so fortunate as to never have to doubt her. "
That is just a small part of it, the rest was very good as well. It is so neat that this film can touch lives like that and even inspire already solid marriages to stay on that solid ground as well as hopefully inspire shaky marriages to find that solid ground in Christ and His love.

It was a fun evening. Saturday proved to be as much fun. I stayed at Gram and Papa's for the weekend, they had to leave early for farmer's market but thankfully I was able to sleep in some ;) then Rem and I took Rajoice and Raydeemie to look around Farmer's market and visit Gram and Papa. We decided to have lunch with them at one so we had some time to kill. . .two and a half hours actually. So we went down to Lawrence Park (I think that's what it was called at least ;) and played by the river. I got some darling portraits of the girls. Then we went out for coffee and headed to walk around the grounds of the Conrad Mansion. They are done up so beautifully. That's where the picture of the girls and I was taken. That afternoon, Rem and I drove to the Jewel Basin and took a short hike to a low peak, but the view was still pretty much amazing! It was such a pretty fall day! The leaves turning all the most wonderful shades of red, yellow, and orange. The mountains rising all around and the sun shining down. God is truly an artist and paints the most wonderful of days!

The other view from that same peak.

Rem playing around on the rocks on the hike up to the peak.

Raijoice, Alaina, and Raydeemie smiling for the camera by the Conrad Mansion.

Rajoice and Raydeemie posing so sweetly at Lawrence Park.

Raijoice down by the river. How pretty and grown up she has gotten to be!

Raydeemie also down by the river. She is growing up quickly as well. Both of them are turning into sweet young ladies.
Here's big brother Rem with Raijoice and Raydeemie crossing the footbridge over the Stillwater River. We had a wonderful morning together!


Jessica said...

Great pictures Alaina! When Ransom and I were engaged, we took a couple walks through Lawrence Park and over the bridge shown in the last picture, but we haven't been back for a while. Seeing these photos brought back some sweet memories. :)

I'm glad we got to see each other again! Have a lovely day.

Alaina Mathers said...

Well thank you Jess. Rem mentioned that you had done that. It was a beautiful day to walk there. It was fun to get together. You have a wonderful day as well!

Anonymous said...

thaty was such a great time we need to do it more often!

big brother