A little insight to who I am

My photo
Montana girl with a dream and love for this life. Currently in Italy, trying to sort out what I want in life and finding out what God has for me in life. Learning to be willing and open to anything He may desire.

Friday, September 4, 2009

GO Conference and Arrival in England.

Geocaching in the English Country side

Model of a church in Delden Holland

Sprinkle bread for Breakfast!

Delden, Holland

Dani and Ha Eun goofing off at the center

Stefan, Clemmens, and Gracie after our scavenger hunt in Halesowen, England

Holland. . .ah glorious Holland. . .That is where the GO conference was and was insanely busy but amazing. We went to session after session on topics like the uniqueness of Chirst, the importance and impact of prayer, and Lie or Die? So I'd like to share some of my thoughts as we were challenged:

Lie or Die
For the last twenty four hours, controversy flooded the conversations. Lie or get through immigration? Lie or lose your Bible? Lie or die? Many compromised the truth justifying it by saying I’ll get through so that I can glorify God in that country. Others said, I need my Bible to minister so I will lie to keep it. Others said I need to live in order to bring the gospel of Christ to these unreached people. The night’s seminar was eagerly anticipated as the title was Lie or Die? Maybe someone could make sense of our arguments.
And make sense of it, Peter Mead did, with great conviction and insight to God’s Word. He gave us reference after reference that spoke of God’s inability and detestation for lies as well as His many commands not to lie. For you see, we were all overlooking the key to this. We only saw the small pictures in the heat of the moment. We didn’t look at our hearts attitude. We didn’t see that we had lost faith and trust in God and placed it back upon ourselves. Due to that we had bound ourselves up in a sticky situation.
Lie or die? Trust in me or trust in God? I personally held the conviction that I would never lie to save myself. I put myself in God’s hands, but could I put those I loved in His hands? A girl referred to those who so bravely hid the Jews in the Holocaust. Some had lied to protect the Jews. In my head, I knew I would have done the same thing. I wouldn’t have given up their lives just so I wouldn’t lie. This attitude was rocked when I heard Peter speak of whom I was putting my trust in.
Do I love those people more than God? Do I have the ability to save them better than He? The answer of course is a resounding no. God detests sin in a way that I cannot fathom. I know this because I still sin every day. I cannot grasp the full measure of hurt and pain that it has. But I know this, if it comes to lying or dying, I will die. I will trust in Him to take care of me as well as others. I will place my loved ones in His hands by choosing faith over fear, by using wisdom instead of acting foolishly, by thinking of eternity rather than the here and now, and by choosing His will over my own.
~Matthew 16:25~
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

It was amazing couple of weeks filled with sprinkle bread(regular bread with some kind of spread on it like nutella or peanut butter and generally chocolate sprinkles), sandwiches(one with every meal I think), and chips (you might call them french fries). Learning words like Du bis Hoobsh (please if you can actually write German look down on me too much I have no clue if any of that is spelled correctly) Also Du bis mine bestest foid. Translation You are beautiful and You are my best friend. Heard hundreds of different accents and dozens of languages all praising and worshiping the One true God! It was truly indescribable. Lots of good friendships made and long walks in the countryside. Ah sweet Holland.

England, delightfully crisp cool England. This is where I will be for the next five months. We arrived and for the first time in 10 days we had cool dry weather (by dry I mean it wasn't humid) It rained shortly after, but wasn't sticky like in Holland(which felt very much like TN to me). We arrived at the center where will are training for three weeks and were finally able to unpack. . I didn't realize how much I dislike living out of duffle bags until I lived out of them for nearly a month. The next day we went geocaching but sadly didn't find what we were looking for. And then into classes. . .we've gone over things like using our testimony as an evangelism tool, starting conversations with strangers, What is the gospel, UK culture, and this afternoon we'll go over Islamic Culture because they're are many Islamic immagrants in the UK. So much to learn so little head space!

I am so tired with all the new information and a cold combined but I am loving it!
Miss you all back home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you were able to get a post up! It's very nice. Makes me miss you all the more, Love you!