A little insight to who I am

My photo
Montana girl with a dream and love for this life. Currently in Italy, trying to sort out what I want in life and finding out what God has for me in life. Learning to be willing and open to anything He may desire.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm going to Europe!!! Plus some new photos

Hello All!

Well I've been incredibly busy raising support and figuring out trip details (it's extremely hard to find a plane ticket that flies into Amsterdam in August (has to be there before noon) and then fly home in April out of Turin, Italy). But God is good and He provided the perfect ticket as well enough funds and lots of prayer and encouragement!I can hardly believe it but I am indeed most likely going to Europe. . .for EIGHT months! It's a little mind boggling, but I'm very excited to have this oppurtunity. So thank you all so much for you prayer and support! It means the world to me!

Alright so on to normal life. . . or rather the fun things we've been up to in normal life :)

The Following photos are from Father's Day

We hiked up to a beautiful lake between St. Regis and Superier. This one if of Dad and Buddy balancing on a rock along the trail.

A pretty group of plants along the trail.

Here's the lake . . . So pretty!

Mom and Dad by the lake.

Family pic right before departure back to the truck. . . it was raining pretty good by this time. . .and yes I know the photo is blurry (dumb auto focus) but I like it anyway.

The following photos are on the 4th of July, we hiked up to Quartz Lake off of Cherry Creek.

Tara taking a sip from her camel pack.

Tara spoiling Bud Boy

View of Quartz Lake

View on the valley between Thompson and Plains

Me borrowing Tara's cowboy hat so I didn't sun burn. . I have such a great sis!

Quartz Lake

Dad and Buddy playing on a rock outcropping into the lake.

Some pretty little buds.

Amy curled up and ready for a nap along the shore.

Mom and Dad filling up water bottles for the hike out.

Some pretty foliage.

Amy being such a good girl.. . even though she was very tempted to chase poor Molly away from her food dish. :)

Well that's been my lastest news! Hope you all have a great day!

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