A little insight to who I am

My photo
Montana girl with a dream and love for this life. Currently in Italy, trying to sort out what I want in life and finding out what God has for me in life. Learning to be willing and open to anything He may desire.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Artistic Ventures of 2009 (thus far :-)

Sorry I have been so remiss in my posting as of late. Here is my latest play in the artistic world. . . it's a twist on photography. While I love natural photography. . . I also love photoediting and making it uniquely my own. This photo actually started out as a blurry mis-take. .. but I loved the moment so I thought I'd try to salvage it and came out with something that I like even better than the originals of that day that turned out in focus.

I've also been playing with some of Jeff and Natasha's wedding photos shown below. . . trying to blur the background so the focus is completely on the people.

Also here is my latest poem . .. in it's rough form. . .I haven't polished it up any, but not sure that I want to yet. . . giving it time to rattle around in my head before I call it finished ;-)

Will You Forget Always?

Have you forgotten how it felt that day?
That day that you looked up and your eyes met his
And you knew that you would be his forever
As you said those vows, your heart beating rapidly
With a love that couldn’t be contained
A tear fell from your eye but he caught it
Promising to cherish you always.

Have you forgotten how it felt that day?
That day you looked down into a small face
That mirrored yours. . . and hers.
Love bloomed so quickly in your heart
And in hers for this small one entrusted to you both
She took your hand in hers and whispered that she’d
Be there for you and this new little one too always.

Have you forgotten how it felt that day?
That day you said goodbye to your father
But who was there but him to hold you
As life hurt too badly to look forward or back
Once again he took you is his arms and
Brushed the tears that fall silently from your eyes
Letting you know that he’ll be there always.

Now this day you seem to have forgotten all the times
You were there for each other when the world walked away
Why would you choose the world over that?
I wish you would remember the days that
You smiled in secret cause no one else understood and
When the smallest touch sent a thrill straight to your heart
You’re perfect together. . . can you just remember that always?

I hope you all enjoy these artistic ventures as much as I did while coming into this new year though I can hardly believe 2009 is actually here. Hopefully it will be a great year! One filled with endless new possibilities.


Jessica said...

Oh Alaina! I love your poem. It's so poignant for so many people today. And the ultimate question I suppose is, "Have you forgotten that your God is a God of eternally binding covenants, whom you are supposed to be mirroring in your marriage?" I'm listening to a CD series entitled "Marriage, Christ & Covenant" by John Piper (desiringgod.com), and it is so convicting and inspiring. So, I guess your poem hit me at a moment when I would be especially tender to it.

Keep up with your creativity! And of course, I love the picture of my kids. :)

Alaina Mathers said...

Thanks Jess! I love John Piper's messages. . . haven't listened to a lot of his stuff, but Randy Alcorn posts some of his writings on his website (epm.com) and they are so insightful. I love reading them.
I love that pic of Remember and Honour too. . . So sweet. . I can't believe how little they are then and how much they've grown just from last August!
Crazy stuff this life!

His Handmaidens said...

Alaina, you write such beautiful poems. They are a delight to read. I admire your skill of capturing love in the pics and the poem.
