Montana girl with a dream and love for this life. Currently in Italy, trying to sort out what I want in life and finding out what God has for me in life. Learning to be willing and open to anything He may desire.
Musume A girl with a father To love her and to hold her An earthly father to teach her Of the her wonderful heavenly Father Who made the greatest sacrifice ever given He shed His blood and tears for her sake That He might one day be there To love her and to hold her A girl with a Father Musume
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february love and i.
There's really not a lot to say here, the pictures speak for themselves,
we had a wonderful photographer who was also a friend of mine, I have had
such a ...
Taking Stock
Lately, I've been feeling a pull to simplify our family's life.
Having two children has really put a lot of things into perspective for me,
one of those...
a giveaway
Hello everyone. I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I've
posted. But when I saw this, I had to say something about it.
Rebekah Merkle is a wife...
Spring is here :)
Spring has hit My Montana mountians:) As i drove to school in mt beat up
old bronco around 9:00 the sun had rose up into the sky and was hiting the
snow ca...
In My Opinion
Woman's Apparel
These are some questions that are in the bible that everyone must answer
before the Lord and be accountable be to God for.
Deu 22:5 The ...
Who Decides? pt 2
I know I'm only seventeen, and thus, I don't have to make any "choices"
(if you get my drift) concerning the size of family I would want. However,
in ligh...